Discover Sinai: A guide to the natural, cultural and historical faces of South Sinai (2009)
“This is the most complete catalogue of attractions available about the region, with descriptions, almost 400 color photos, over 60 maps and relevant information so you can plan a trip and discover Sinai for yourself. There is also a comprehensive section on flora and fauna, as well as a dictionary based on the local dialect.”
• Download full guide FREE
(discoversinai.pdf 12.9 MB)
complete version: places of interest, Fauna and Flora, dictionary
• Download dictionary only FREE
(dictionary.pdf 0.29 MB)
black-and-white, easy and cheap to print/photocopy
Other publications

A walk in Sinai: St. Katherine to Al Galt Al-Azraq
by Zalat S. & Gilbert F.
(1998) El Haramen Press, Cairo. 64 pp.
Probably the first trekking guide to the Sinai as such, this lovely book describes a popular circuit to some of the highlights of the High Mountain Region. There is also an imformative section about the flora and fauna of Sinai.
• Download
Home page:

Gardens in a sacred landscape: Bedouin heritage and natural history in the high mountains of Sinai
by Zalat S. & Gilbert F.
Illustrated by Ahmed Gheith
(2008) American University in Cairo Press, Cairo
Available from bookstores in Egypt.
• Download
Home page:
The Sinai Bedouin: a photographic journey (2011)
“The Sinai is a barren and inhospitable – but very diverse and stunningly beautiful – desert wilderness inhabited by nomadic Arab tribes, the Bedouin. Most of them are from the Arabian Peninsula originally, arriving in several waves before and after the Arab conquest. The Bedouin are now at a crossroad. This little ebook shows glimpses of their life and natural environment through 40 images.”
Sinai Trekking And Safari: the complete route guide with GPS waypoints
by Zoltan Matrahazi
“From coast to coast and to the southernmost tip… this is the only guide that covers ALL the main trekking and safari routes in the Sinai. Whether planning a tour on foot, camel back or by 4×4, the guide presents all the essential information visitors need and lots more”

A Culture of Desert Survival: Bedouin Proverbs from Sinai and the Negev
by Clinton Bailey
“Not merely an anthology of Bedouin proverbs, this book is a unique treasury of rich, oral traditional lore.”
Bridget Connelly, Emerita, University of California Berkeley

Mount Sinai
by Joseph J. Hobbs
(1995) University of Texas Press
“It is anthropology, geography, history, botany, detective story, Bible study and religious tract, biography, autobiography, travel guide, and finally propaganda for environmental protection. . . . [and] it succeeds effortlessly in combining all of them smoothly, interestingly, and readably into a neat package.”
Colbert C. Held, Baylor University

Wandering through Wadis: A nature-lover’s guide to the flora of South Sinai
Author and Photographer: Bernadette Simpson
Published: February 14, 2013
ISBN: 978-0-9859718-1-6 (PDF)
A field guide to the plants growing in the mountain wadis and coastal plains of South Sinai. Perfect for the nature-lover or hobbyist interested in identifying the various plants encountered while trekking, hiking, or camel riding in the Sinai desert. For each of the 104 plants in the directory, you will find the Common English and Arabic names, general description and information, photographs, and practical and traditional Bedouin uses.

Eight Years Wandering In The High Mountains Of Sinai Peninsula: A Tale Of Two Maps
by Ahmed Shams
Paperback: 394 pages
August 18, 2011
This book is the first complete geo-based account about the High Mountains of Sinai Peninsula.A series of seventeen expeditions (Phase I: 2000-2008) were conducted to study the geography and human occupation development, providing exclusive highly detailed maps. Since March 2010 (Phase II: 2010-2013), the study is undergoing an extensive analysis/modeling process, supervised/sponsored by IMT Institute for Advanced Studies; scientifically cooperating with the European Research Academy ‘EURAC’, towards a global perspective.It is a multidisciplinary geographical account which focuses on a local Bedouin community which inhabits a transitional mountain area of a rich and complex context, reflecting the socioeconomic and geopolitical paradoxes of the Middle East, the decade prior the revolutions of the Arab Spring. It presents a complete image for the local aspects in a keystone Arab state; a state of a significant share: ‘the Egyptian National Reforms Revolution of January 25, 2011 CE’.