The real safari, the way the Bedouin have done for at least a couple of thousand years, is on camel and foot. Camel riding safaris include walks and most people are happy for a change time to time. You can also do the whole distance on foot, using the camel only to carry bags, food and water. Camel safaris involve camping in the desert, one of the highlights of the experience. They can last from a couple of days for up to two weeks or more.

Safaris are usually all inclusive, that is all food, hot drinks, water, mattress and blankets are provided apart from transfers, the camel and guide. Camels are tied together or led on a lead in most cases.
Popular destinations include the Coloured Canyon, Ein Khudra oasis and the White Canyon, Jebel Makharum, Arada Canyon and Serabit el Khadim.
More information under Places of interest -> The desert.